Kat Center UK, as the content provider, is responsible for the content that is created by hand and that is offered for use on this website.
The references (links) to other pages are to be distinguished from the self-created pages, as these are not under the editorial supervision of the KAT Center UK.
The KAT Center UK is only responsible for this third-party content if it has positive knowledge of illegal or punishable content and if it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use (Section 5 (2) TDG).
As the references refer to websites that are updated and offered by other actors, these are beyond the editorial influence of the KAT Center UK. The content of the pages was checked when the link was created for the first time. The KAT Center UK is not obliged to constantly check the linked content for changes that could give rise to a new responsibility.
Liability KAT Center UK assumes no liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness, completeness of the information provided. KAT Center UK is solely responsible for its own content, which it makes available for use. Although all content is carefully checked and constantly updated, a guarantee for completeness, correctness and topicality cannot be assumed. KAT Center UK is therefore not liable for any damage related to the use of this content. Take over despite careful control
we are not liable for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Furthermore, the KAT Center UK assumes no liability for losses caused by the use or distribution of this information or in connection with the distribution / use of this information. KAT Center UK reserves the right to amend or change the information provided at any time.