Become a Sponsor
Will you help us to ensure that we can continue to treat the many street dogs in need across Kathmandu?
KAT Centre cares for thousands of street dogs every year and some require more attention and care than others. Some, due to their age or injuries, end up requiring months of care and never become well enough to be released. With low rates of adoption for dogs like these, they often face the prospect of having to live out the rest of their lives within the shelter of KAT Centre.
When you become an official sponsor, you will receive regular updates and behind the scenes information about the day to day life of animals at KAT Centre. There is no long term obligation and you are free to cancel at any time.
Please contact us if you have any questions about sponsorship.
Your sponsorship contributions are used to help your sponsor dog and all of the dogs in our care.
The money is used to cover the costs of running KAT Centre, paying for medicine, vaccines, food, and toys.